Chapter 19 Quiz All questions must be answered. 1. Who IS NOT mentioned as part of the “Alleluia” chorus following God’s vengeful destruction of Babylon? (vs. 1-4) A great multitude in heaven The twenty-four elders The four living creatures The redeemed on earth 2. The only time that the word “Alleluia” is used in all of the New Testament is in this chapter of Revelation. (vs. 5-7) True False 3. Which IS NOT included as a reason why heaven explodes into a chorus of gladness and rejoicing to the glory of God? (vs. 5-8) The Lord God Omnipotent reigns! The marriage of the Lamb has come His wife has made herself ready None, they all explain the rejoicing and gladness 5. Which of the following BEST explains the “marriage supper of the Lamb”? (v.9) It is not the wedding but the ceremonial feast that follows the wedding It will commemorate the marriage between Christ and His Church and the bridal relationship between God and Israel It will be served on earth during the Millennium Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper It is conditional 6. An angel restrained John from worshiping him. Which IS NOT included in the explanation he gave to John? (v.10) I am your fellow servant Worship God The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy Angels can be worshiped, but not in a kneeling position 7. Which of the following IS NOT what John said as he beheld Christ about to leave heaven and return to earth? (v.11) He is called Faithful and True His eyes were a flame of fire His robe was white and clean He had a name known only to Himself His name was called The Word of God Upon His head were many crowns 8. Jesus will strike the nations down with a sword He yields in His right hand. (vs. 15-18) True False 9. The “supper of the Great God” that follows Armageddon concerns a gathering of birds to eat the flesh of the dead. (vs. 15-18) True False 10. Which of the following does John bring to light in his epilogue of Armageddon? (v.20) There will be many soldiers who survive The nations go to Armageddon to fight against Christ The Antichrist and the false prophet are cast “alive” into Gehenna Both (b) and (c) Loading … «« Previous: Chapter 19 | Next: Chapter 20 »»