Chapter 10 Quiz All questions must be answered. 1. Which clearly identifies the one who John saw coming down from heaven holding a little book? (vs. 1-4) A Church elder Another mighty angel Satan One of the two witnesses 2. Now that the little book is fully open, which best explains why the angel sets foot on earth and then roars like a lion? (vs. 1-4) He is announcing our Lord’s Second Coming He wants to encourage the believers alive on earth He is serving Sovereign notice to heaven and hell that Jesus has taken back the earth He is initiating the rapture of the Church 3. What might best explain why the mighty angel cried out with a loud voice? (vs. 1-4) Because He was angry So he could clearly be heard over the noise in Heaven To give Satan notice that his claim to this planet was vanquished Because the rapture of the Church is preceded by the loud voice of God 4. Why didn’t John write what he heard the “seven thunders” utter? (vs. 1-4) He didn’t understand what was said God stopped him He didn’t hear the complete message He decided it would be better if he didn’t 5. In a great oath made by God, the mighty angel said, “There shall be delay no longer.” Which best explains its meaning? (vs. 5-7) God would forgo further judgments and allow the earth to rejuvenate itself The time had come to pluck Satan off this planet The time had come to remove Israel out of harm’s way The time for God to pour out His fearful wrath had come 6. In the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, the “mystery of God” will be finished. (vs. 5-7) True False 7. John found that the scroll that he was asked to eat was bitter in his mouth, but sweet in his stomach. (vs. 8-10) True False Loading … «« Previous: Chapter 10 | Next: Chapter 11 »»